-Call for Papers de EkoParty- murmuró Vampii -. Ahora entiendo. -Trastabilló y se apoyó pesadamente en la vara.- ¡Qué mala suerte! Y estoy tan cansado... Pero que voy, ¡¡¡seguro!!! No tendre un slogan ganador este año (o si, quien dice) pero ahi estare...
[*] ekoparty Security Conference and Trainings - 5th edition [*]
Trainings: September 14-16 / Conference: September 17-18, 2009
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
[*] CALL FOR PAPERS is now Open!
ekoparty is a one-of-a-kind event in South America; an annual security conference held in Buenos Aires where security specialists from all over Latin America (and beyond) have the chance to get involved with state-of-art techniques, vulnerabilities and tools in a relaxed environment which has not been seen before.
The fifth edition of ekoparty is expected to bring together over 500 security specialists from around the world in the most deep-knowledge technical conference of Latin America.
This is not just a completely technical conference, it also has a lot of fun activities like lockpicking, wardriving, wargames, after hours and even a awesome aftercon party!.
On this edition we are going to have simultaneous translation of all the lectures offering the chance to attendies from foreign countries to understand spanish and portuguese speakers as well locals to understand english spoken talks.
ekoparty is recruiting everyone who is interested in showing their researches and/or develops in the field of Information Security.
Abstracts not exceeding 250 words should be submitted (in plain text format) to: charlas/ \ekoparty.com.ar for review and possible inclusion in the programme.
Submissions are due no later than August 1.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- Asado Debugging
- 0 days
- Web Security
- Embedded Systems Technologies
- GSM, GPRS and CDMA Security
- RFID Security
- VoIP Security
- Wireless Security
- Exploitation
- IPv6 Security
- Attack and Defense Techniques
- Reverse Engineering
- Application Security, Testing, Fuzzing
- Code Auditing
- Virtualization
- Malicious Code
- Databases
- Viruses, Worms, and Trojans
- e-crime, Phishing and Botnets
- Malware, Crimeware
- Banking Security
- Phreaking
- Hardware hacking
- Cryptography
- Forensics/AntiForensics
Submissions should include the following information:
* Title
* Type:
- 45 minutes lecture
- 15 minutes lecture (turbo talks)
- Training (1 - 2 day)
* Author(s): First and Last name, short personal description, country origin, association or company they belong to if applicable.
* Estimated delivery time: Speeches usually last 45 minutes. In case of needing more or less time it is going to be evaluated in pre-selection stage.
* Short description of the speech: One or two paragraphs explaining - not so briefly- delivery content.
* Target speech level: To classify as: newbie/intermediate/advanced/expert.
* Author/s's Phone number.
Round-trip airfare ticket
3 days accomodation
Special BBQ
ekoparty's City Tour
Extra ticket to the conference
50 % net profit of the Class
2/3 days accomodation
Special BBQ
ekoparty's City Tour
Ticket to the conference
April 23 - CFP is Open
August 1 - CFP is Closed
September 14-16 - ekoparty Trainings
September 17-18 - ekoparty Conference
If you are interested in supporting our conference contact us at sponsor/\ekoparty.com.ar
Website http://www.ekoparty.com.ar
Blog http://blog.ekoparty.com.ar
Mailing-list http://groups.google.com/group/ekoparty
Twitter https://twitter.com/ekoparty
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/ekoparty-security-conference/16162244291
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/42839/3C56B47CC210
Best regards, esta vez no te la podes perder!
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